Translation of the song Tehno...logija artist Block Out
Jutra ne primećujem, svetlo me ne pokreće
Mornings I don't notice, the light does not move me
Ćutim, samujem, slušam zvukove
I'm quiet, alone, listening to the sounds
Ko si ti da sastavljaš rđav zvuk i orkestar
Who are you to combine awful sound and an orchestra
Starih šrafova buku gradova
Of old screws, the noise of cities
Zašto da odustanem, nikad nisam želeo
Why should I give up, I never wanted
Da im verujem, žice ne čujem
To trust them, I can not hear the strings
Ritmovi iz prašume u kapama za plivanje
Rhythms from the rainforest in swimming caps
Deca Srbije glume mumije
The children of Serbia are playing mummies
Kao da nikada i nikoga nije bilo osim nas
Like there was never anyone except us
Ni duhova ni bogova ni dečjih osmeha
No ghosts nor gods nor children's smiles
I gde ćeš ti i gde ću ja
And where will you go and where will I
I čemu lažni sjaj
And what's the point of the fake glow
Bez ljubavi pred očima bez igde ikoga
Without love in front of you, without anyone anywhere
Šta je s nama
What about us?
Čovek sed i umoran isti mu je svaki dan
The man grayhaired and tired, every day is the same
Živi star i sam sa ormarima
He lives old and alone with closets
Šetnja pored obale sahrane i novine
Walks along the coast, funerals, and newspapers
Vreme skraćeno već je plaćeno
Reduced time has already been paid for
K'o da krug se zatvara dolazi iz sećanja
As if the circuit closes, there comes from memories
Divna muzika starog vremena
The wonderful music of old times
Nikom nije potrebna niko se ni ne seća
Nobody needs it, nobody remembers
Televizija je pobedila
Television has won
Kao da nikada i nikoga nije bilo osim nas
Like there was never anyone except us
Ni duhova ni bogova ni dečjih osmeha
No ghosts nor gods nor children's smiles
I gde ćeš ti i gde ću ja
And where will you go and where will I
I čemu lažni sjaj
And what's the point of the fake glow
Bez ljubavi pred očima bez igde ikoga
Without love in front of you, without anyone anywhere
Šta je s nama
What about us?