Translation of the song Težak slučaj pakla artist Block Out


Težak slučaj pakla

English translation

A serious case of hell

Mozak miruje,

My brain's at peace

al' ispod mora teče vreli kamen.

But under the sea a hot stone flows

Grob podriguje,

My grave's burping

proždraće mi kosti ako stanem.

It'll eat up my bones if I stop

Istetovirani strah na tvojim obrazima jeca,

The tattooed fear on your cheeks is sobbing

ti si samo njegov podstanar.

You are only his tenant

Smrtno ozbiljan,

Deadly serious,

bez oca i bez prijatelja.

Without a father and without friends

Prazne godine,

Empty years,

oko tebe tužno lete.

Fly around you with sadness

Šta ćeš ti sa njima

What are you doing with them

i šta će one s tobom takvim?

And what are they doing with you, the way you are now?

Ti si revidirao stav sto pedeset puta

You've revised your stance a hundred fifty times

čas si rođen kao muško, čas ko žensko,

One second you were born a man, the next a woman

koga je to briga.

Who cares about that

Sam znaš,

You know it yourself

rođen si ko pička.

You were born a pussy

Gde je granica?

Where's the line?

Nisam siguran ni da postoji.

I'm not sure it even exists

Šta je cilj?

What's the goal?

Ili trčimo u krug bez cilja.

Or are we running in circles, without a goal

Put od tebe do mene, sa hiljadu rupa,

A road from you to me, with a thousand holes

ko Kumodraška ulica.

Like the Kumodraška street

Nemam vremena,

I don't have the time,

da čekam da se ubiješ.

To wait for you to kill yourself

Skloni me,

Remove me,

ja neću inat tvoj životom da platim.

I'm not paying with my life for the sake of your spite

Slomi me,

Brake me,

eto nisam uspeo da shvatim.

Fine, I admit, I didn't manage to understand

Ubij me,

Kill me,

ti to možeš da uradiš sa svakim.

You can do that with everyone

Ako sve vidi, što se pravi blesav,

If he [truly] sees everything, why's he acting like a fool

što ne otera sva govna u nebesa.

Why doesn't he banish all this shit into the heavens

Zadah osvete

Bad smelling breath of revenge,

kruži iznad moje glave.

Is circling above my head

Zar da ubijem,

Should I kill,

da se prestrojim u tvoje pleme?

To reorder myself and join your tribe?

Ljudi gutaju suze, žvaću sopstvene zube,

People swallow tears, chew their own teeth

lije krv sa krova ruske crkve.

Blood's pouring down the roof of the Russian church

Težak slučaj pakla,

A serious case of hell

teško da ima išta strašnije.

There's hardly anything more terrifying

Budi me,

Wake me up

pre nego poželim da umrem u snu.

Before I come to wish to die in my sleep

Ubij me,

Kill me,

svima za primer raskomadaj moj trup.

Make an example for everyone by dismembering my corpse

Skloni me,

Remove me

ja znam tvoj strah, to niko ne sme da zna.

I know your fear, no one can know about that

Ako sve vidi što se pravi blesav,

If he [truly] sees everything, why's he acting like a fool

što ne otera sva govna u nebesa...

Why doesn't he banish all this shit into the heavens

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