Translation of the song Trenje artist Block Out
Svako jutro kad se budim, ja siguran sam samo
Every morning when I wake up, I'm sure only
da sam promašio pistu i sleteo na njivu.
that I missed the runway and landed in the field.
Obući cu se brzo i krenuti na posao,
I'll get dressed quickly and go to work,
tamo imam sedam sati svog slobodnog vremena.
there I have seven hours of my free time.
I secaš li se kada smo se zadnji put poljubili
And do you remember when we last kissed
i milovali nežno da nam drhte usne,
and caressed gently to make our lips tremble,
ja ne bih bio ljubomoran da te vidim s drugim,
I would not be jealous to see you with another,
pusti me da plačem, ja sam uništen i umoran.
let me cry, I'm ruined and tired.
Friction, friction,
to je sve što nam je ostalo od ljubavi.
that's all we have left of our love.
Mašta mi se srozala duboko ispod nule,
My imagination rocked deep underneath,
potencija je čudna stvar kad pređe ti u naviku,
potency is a strange thing when it turns into a habit,
drži me jače i pribij me uz sebe,
hold me stronger and pull me against you,
kraće će da traje i biće manje znoja.
It will last shorter and there will be less sweat.
Onanija je divna i kad pomislim na drvo,
Onanism is beautiful even when I'm thinking about a tree,
i nek me samo misli vode što dalje od tebe,
and let my thoughts take me far away from you,
ja sam bio tako mlad dok sam pravio prvo,
I was so young when I made the first,
sad ih imamo troje... i volimo k'o svoje...
now we have three of them... and we love them as our own ...
Samo trenje,
Only friction, friction,
to je sve što nam je ostalo od ljubavi.
that's all we have left of our love.
Ti slušaš divnu muziku, ja povraćam po stanu,
You're listening to wonderful music, I'm vomiting around the flat,
šiješ predivne goblene i kačih ih po zidu,
you're sewing beautiful tapestries and putting them on the wall,
ja odlazim na pecanje, na fudbal, u kafanu,
I'm going fishing, watching football, to the pub,
i uvek sam se pitao šta trpaš mi u hranu.
and I've always wondered what you're putting in my food.
Odavno sam izlizao svoj daljinski upravljač,
Long ago I've worn my remote control down,
pročit'o sve novine i zaspao pod njima,
read all the newspapers and fell asleep underneath them,
ja sam mrtav vec odavno, al' niko ne primećuje,
I'm dead for a long time, but nobody notices,
ja nikom nisam potreban i sve, baš sve što imam
nobody needs me and everything, just everything I have
to je trenje.
is friction.
to je sve što nam je ostalo od ljubavi.
that's all we have left of our love.