Translation of the song U krtogu artist Block Out
U krtogu
In pig's nest
Guše se ljudi zbijeni u krtogu
People are suffocating in the pig's nest
i čekaju da sunce sine,
And wait for the sun to shine through
da im snagu da da žive.
To give them strength to live
Al' nikog nema da im kapke otvori,
But there's no one there to open their eyelids
da pokaže im oblak
To show them the cloud
što im sunce zaklanja
That's blocking the sun,
da kaže da nije spas u njemu.
To say that 'salvation' can't be found in it
Sve im je brige nemi strah pokosio,
All their worries were slashed by fear
navijaju da život prođe
They're cheering for their life to pass
da sam spadne teg od tuge.
That the weight of sadness falls off by itself
Sam Bog da dođe ne bi ih ubedio
Even if God himself came to convince them
da svaki put je bolji
That every [other] way is better
od tog polumrtvog sna.
Than that half-dead dream
Da nije spas u njemu,
That salvation isn't found in 'him'
da nije spas u njoj.
That salvation isn't found in 'her'
Samo se deca smeju
Only children are laughing
jer još ne znaju
For they do not know
da treba da porastu,
That they have to grow up
i da drugi izbor nemaju.
And that they have no other choice
A mrak je prepun
And the darkness is filled to the brim
potpune izvesnosti
With complete certainty
i možda potrebna je laž
And perhaps a lie is needed
da poveruju,
For them to believe
kad već znaju
When they know
Da nije spas u njemu,
That salvation isn't found in 'him'
da nije spas u njoj.
That salvation isn't found in 'her'