Translation of the song Zvezdane staze artist Block Out
Zvezdane staze
Star trek
Laganim tempom proces truljenja hoda.
At a slow pace the process of rotting marches on
Hrabri heroji preko leševa gaze
Brave heroes stomping over carcasses
zvezdane staze.
Star trek
Milina pogledati vesela lica,
Graceful to look at cheerful faces
lutaju psi, a nigde šintera nema.
Dogs are roaming, and there are no dogcatchers
Raspad sistema.
Breakdown of the system
Da li je jebeno moguće?
Is it fucking possible?
Mizantrop ćuti, nema ništa da kaže,
The misanthrope is silent, has nothing to say
Satira umire u bedi i jadu -
Satire is dying in misery and woe
- potpuni stranac u rođenom gradu.
A complete stranger in one's own hometown
Samo se mrtav ovde ne plaši nikog,
Only the dead here are not afraid of anyone
ali se ne seća ni imena svoga.
But they do not even remember their name
Sa verom u koga?
With faith in whom?
Da li je jebeno moguće?
Is it fucking possible?
U rezervatu, ali ne blizu kraja.
In the reserve, but not near the end
Kuje se plan za vaskrs.
A resurrection plan is being forged
Simbol se ljubi.
The symbol is to be kissed
Umri il' ubij.
Die or kill
Širenje optimizma teče po planu,
Expansion of optimism is going according to the plan
žene su trudne - biće svežih vojnika.
The women are pregnant, there will be fresh soldiers
Predivna slika.
Beautiful image
Da li je jebeno moguće?
Is it fucking possible?