M’he passat els últims anys
I’ve spent the last years
desitjant-te bona nit,
wishing you a good night,
escrivint-te cada dia
writing to you every day
abans d’anar-me’n a dormir.
before going to sleep.
I ara que guardem silenci
And now, when we keep silent
i l’abisme es va fent gran,
and the abyss is getting wider,
no puc fer una altra cosa
I cannot do anything else
que abraçar-me al matalàs
but to hold onto the mattress
ben fort, ben fort,
so tight, so tight,
ben fort, ben fort.
so tight, so tight.
No saps com trobe a faltar
You don’t know how I miss
el timbre de la teua veu,
the timbre of your voice,
les carícies quotidianes,
the everyday cuddlings,
l’olor de la teua pell;
the smell of your skin;
però de les coses que enyore
but among the things I ache for
hi ha una que sempre em commou:
there’s one that always moves me:
la forma que tens de riure
the way in which you laugh,
amb tots els músculs del teu cos
with all the muscles of your body,
ben fort, ben fort,
so heartily, so heartily,
ben fort, ben fort.
so heartily, so heartily.
Per això em sembla tan difícil
That’s why it seems so difficult to me
afrontar el punt i a part,
to face our going separate ways,
assumir que es desdibuixen
accept that the special moments
els moments tan especials que he viscut,
that I’ve lived, lived by your side
que he viscut al teu costat,
are getting blurred,
que he viscut al teu costat.
are getting blurred1.
M’he posat a fer recompte
I’ve got myself to make an inventory
de tot el que he aprés amb tu:
of everything that I’ve learned with you:
a enfrontar-me als meus dimonis
to face my demons
i deixar de fer l’estruç,
and to stop playing ostrich,
a desvestir-me d’armadures
to take off my armour
i començar a dir que no,
and to start saying no,
adonar-me’n que hi ha vida
to realize that there’s life
més enllà del faristol, del faristol,
beyond the lectern, the lectern,
del faristol.
beyond the lectern.
I a pesar dels meus esforços,
And, in spite of my efforts,
encara no he aconseguit
I haven’t managed yet
convertir aquestes nafres
to turn these wounds
en boniques cicatrius,
into nice cuttings
com un pitxer de porcellana
like a porcelain vase
que s’ha trencat en mil trossets
that has got broken into a thousand pieces
i ara intente reparar-lo,
and now I’m trying to mend it,
recompondre’l lentament,
to put it together again, slowly,
molt lentament,
very slowly,
molt lentament.
very slowly.
Per això em sembla tan difícil
That’s why it seems so difficult to me
afrontar el punt i a part,
to face our going separate ways,
assumir que es desdibuixen
accept that the special moments
els moments tan especials que he viscut,
that I’ve lived, lived by your side
que he viscut al teu costat,
are getting blurred,
que he viscut al teu costat.
are getting blurred.