Translation of the song Nit i boira artist Pau Alabajos
Nit i boira
Night and Fog
La història jutjarà els assassins dels meus companys,
History will judge the assassins of my comrades,
que han mort per defensar obertament uns ideals.
who died because they openly defended their ideals.
Com podríem retre'ls homenatge a cadascun dels lluitadors
How could we pay homage to each and every one of the fighters,
que van perdre la vida construint un món millor,
who lost their life building a better world,
un món millor?
a better world?
És inútil preguntar-nos si les seues morts van ser en va,
It’s useless to ask ourselves if their deaths were in vain,
perquè no n'hi ha marxa enrere, no és possible rescriure el passat.
because there’s no going back; it’s not possible to rewrite the past.
Com podríem mantenir viu el record de tots aquells herois
How could we keep alive the memory of all those heros
que van posar-se mans a l'obra, perseguint nous horitzons,
who took action, looking for new horizons,
nous horitzons?
new horizons?
Em ve al cap només una manera i és fer nostre el seu combat,
The only way that comes to my mind is to make their fight ours,
apropiar-nos de la lluita, reivindicar el seu llegat:
to take the battle over, claiming their legacy:
esborrem l'empremta del feixisme, plantem cara als opressors,
let’s erase the traces of fascism, let’s resist the oppressors,
arranquem d'arrel les injustícies, brindem en el seu honor.
let’s eradicate injustice, let’s commemorate the ones who died1.
Com podríem mantenir viu el record de tots aquells herois
How could we keep alive the memory of all those heros
que van posar-se mans a l'obra, perseguint nous horitzons,
who took action, looking for new horizons,
nous horitzons?
new horizons?
Perseguint nous horitzons,
Looking for new horizons,
nous horitzons,
new horizons,
perseguint nous horitzons...
looking for new horizons...