Translation of the song Sagrada Família artist Pau Alabajos
Sagrada Família
Sagrada Família
Des de la primera cançó
From the first song
que compartírem
that we shared
vaig deduir que tu i jo
I sensed that you and me
ens entendríem.
would get on well.
Cada vegada el meu playlist
Each time my playlist
s’assemblava més al teu
was getting more similar to yours
i decidírem indagar
and we decided to investigate
en les nostres vides.
each other’s lives.
I a Barcelona ens vam trobar
And we met in Barcelona
mesos després de l’atemptat,
months after the attack1;
vam escollir un lloc neutral
we chose a neutral place
i ens vam desvirtualitzar.
and we stepped out of the virtual world.
I ens vam desvirtualitzar.
And we stepped out of the virtual world.
Durant els tres dies següents
During the next three days
ens preocupàrem
we were busy
de fondre les capes de gel
melting the ice caps
que ens separaven.
that were separating us.
Vam perdre la noció del temps,
We lost the notion of time,
parlant de tot un poc,
talking a bit about everything,
i ens va sorprendre aquell hivern
and we got surprised by that grey
gris de l’Eixample.
winter of Eixample2.
Castillejos amb Rosselló
Castillejos and Rosselló3
llavors era el centre del món.
were at that time the centre of the world.
Vam despullar-nos del dolor
We stripped ourselves of pain
en la teua habitació.
in your room.
En la teua habitació.
In your room.
Damunt la taula vam posar
We put all the cards
totes les cartes
on the table
i vam ser completament francs
and we were absolutely sincere
entre nosaltres,
with each other,
però se’ns va anar de les mans
but the situation
aquella situació
got out of our hands
quan de sobte vam constatar
when suddenly we realized
que ens apreciàvem,
that we did like each other,
però això no era suficient.
but it wasn’t enough.
Tu i jo érem plenament conscients
You and I were fully aware
que una ruptura tan recent
that a breakup so recent
no s’oblida fàcilment.
cannot be easily forgotten.
No s’oblida fàcilment.
Cannot be easily forgotten.
La nit més llarga de juliol
One long night in July
ens adonàrem
we realized
que allò era un punt de no retorn
that undoubtedly
we reached the point of no return.
Vam sospesar deu mil opcions
We considered a ten thousand options,
abans de claudicar
before we gave up
i vam prendre una decisió
and we took
an irrevocable decision.
Amb un peu dins de l’Euromed
With one foot inside Euromed4
vam pronunciar l’últim adéu
we said the last goodbye,
i ens abraçàrem al present
hugging it out on present time
com si fora un clau ardent.
as if it were a red-hot nail.
Com si fora un clau ardent.
As if it were a red-hot nail.
Com si fora un clau ardent.
As if it were a red-hot nail.
Com si fora un clau ardent.
As if it were a red-hot nail.