Translation of the song Vencerem artist Pau Alabajos



English translation

We Will Win

La història l’escriuen les dones

History is written by women

i els homes que han perdut la por

and men who have lost their fear

de guanyar els carrers i les places

of taking to the streets and squares

i d’omplir-se la boca de pols.

and filling their mouths with dust.

La història la fan les persones valentes

History is made by brave persons

que no han deixat mai de somiar,

who have never stopped dreaming;

persones que no es queden mudes

persons who don’t remain mute

davant d’injustícies flagrants.

in front of acts of flagrant injustice.

Són les que avancen de front,

These are the ones who go straight ahead,

seguint la direcció

following the direction

que els indica el seu cor.

that their hearts point out to.

Són les que han rebut mil colps,

These are the ones who’ve received a thousand blows,

però s’alcen de nou

but they stand up again

amb ferma convicció.

with a firm conviction.

Quanta gent està disposta

How many people are ready

a lluitar sense treva pel que creu?

to fight relentlessly for what they believe in?

Quanta gent ha entés per fi

How many people have finally understood

que el món ha d’escoltar les seues veus?

that the world has to listen to their voices?

Quin és el preu que cal pagar

What is the price to be paid

per defensar la llibertat,

for defending liberty,

per protegir uns drets fonamentals?

for protecting fundamental rights?

Quin és el càstig exemplar

What is the exemplary punishment

que es mereixen els meus germans

that my brothers deserve

pel simple fet de no haver claudicat?

for the mere fact of not having given way?

Em vénen al cap les imatges

To my mind there come images

d’aquelles pallisses brutals

of that brutal beating up

contra dones i homes indefensos

of defenceless women and men

que solament volien votar.

who only wanted to vote12.

Em vénen també a la memòria

To my memory there come as well

paraules obscenes per a justificar

obscene words meant to justify

l’ús desmesurat de la força

the excessive force used

per part dels cossos policials.

by the police corps.

Són les que inflen els pulmons

These are the ones that inflate their lungs

per a cridar ben fort

to shout out loudly

contra la repressió.

against repression.

Són les que entonen cançons

These are the ones that strike up songs

que es colen pels barrots

that filter through the bars

de les putes presons.

of fucking prisons.

Quanta gent està disposta

How many people are ready

a lluitar sense treva pel que creu?

to fight relentlessly for what they believe in?

Quanta gent ha entés per fi

How many people have finally understood

que el món ha d’escoltar les seues veus?

that the world has to listen to their voices?

Quin és el preu que cal pagar

What is the price to be paid

per defensar la llibertat,

for defending liberty,

per protegir uns drets fonamentals?

for protecting fundamental rights?

Quin és el càstig exemplar

What is the exemplary punishment

que es mereixen els meus germans

that my brothers deserve

pel simple fet de no haver claudicat?

for the mere fact of not having given way?

La història l’escriuen les dones

History is written by women

i els homes que han perdut la por

and men who have lost their fear

de guanyar els carrers i les places

of taking to the streets and squares

i d’omplir-se la boca de pols.

and filling their mouths with dust.

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