Translation of the song Vuit de març artist Pau Alabajos


Vuit de març

English translation

8th Of March

Amb totes dues mans

With both hands

alçades a la lluna,

raised to the moon,

obrim una finestra

let’s open a window

en aquest cel tancat.

in this closed sky.

Hereves de les dones

Heiresses of the women

que cremaren ahir

that yesterday were burning,

farem una foguera

we will make a bonfire

amb l’estrall i la por.

with havoc and fear.

Hi acudiran les bruixes

There will come witches

de totes les edats.

of all ages.

Deixaran les escombres

They will leave their brooms

per pastura del foc,

for fire fodder,

cossis i draps de cuina

washtubs and dishclothes,

el sabó i el blauet,

soap and whitener,

els pots i les cassoles,

pots and pans,

el fregall i els bolquers.

pan-scrub and nappies.

Deixarem les escombres

We will leave our brooms

per pastura del foc,

for fire fodder,

els pots i les cassoles,

pots and pans,

el blauet i el sabó.

bleach and soap.

I la cendra que resti,

And the ash that will remain,

no la canviarem

we will not exchange it

ni per l’or ni pel ferro

neither for gold, nor for iron,

per ceptres ni punyals.

nor for sceptres, nor for daggers.

Sorgida de la flama

Arising from the flame,

sols tindrem ja la vida

we will only have life

per arma i per escut

as a weapon and a shield,

a totes dues mans.

held in both hands.

El fum dibuixarà

The smoke will draw

l’inici de la història

the beginning of the history,

com una heura de joia

like an ivy of joy

entorn del nostre cos

around our bodies.

I plourà i farà sol

And there will be rain and sunshine,

i dansarem a l’aire

and we will dance to the tune

de les noves cançons

of new songs

que la terra rebrà.

that the land will welcome.

Vindicarem la nit

We will vindicate the night

i la paraula DONA.

and the word WOMAN.

Llavors creixerà l’arbre

And then there will grow the tree

de l’alliberament.

of liberation.

Llavors creixerà l’arbre

And then there will grow the tree

de l’alliberament.

of liberation.

I plourà i farà sol

And there will be rain and sunshine,

i dansarem a l’aire

and we will dance to the tune

de les noves cançons

of new songs

que la terra rebrà.

that the land will welcome.

Vindicarem la nit

We will vindicate the night

i la paraula DONA.

and the word WOMAN.

Llavors creixerà l’arbre

And then there will grow the tree

de l’alliberament,

of liberation,

de l’alliberament,

of liberation,

de l’alliberament.

of liberation.

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