“愛したら 永遠なんて
If I love you, is forever
横着言ったら いけません
I can't say it impudently
努力に努力 進歩に進歩
Effort by effort, progress by progress
いつでも いつでも 綱渡り”
I'm always walking on the tight rope
空を飛ぶキッスでも 出来ないなら
If you can't give me a kiss that flies in the sky
恋は2年で 退屈だわ
Romance in two years will be boring
夢がさめたら 普通のひと
If I wake from the dream, you'll be a normal guy
あなた 努力が足りないの
Your efforts won't be enough
(少女は すぐ 魔女に) 魔女に
A girl suddenly becomes a witch
(聖女も はや 悪女) 悪女
A saint soon becomes a devil
(1年過ぎたなら) そうよ
After a year passes,
You barely recognize me
Your innocence is terrible
That you haven't changed is terrible
(ジ・ン・ク・ス ジ・ン・ク・ス
Jinx, jinx
ジ・ン・ク・ス ジ・ン・ク・ス
Jinx, jinx
恋はいつでも こわれもの
Love is always something that breaks
Something that withers with the passing of time
You can't be absentminded
もっともっと 愛を もっともっと 愛を
More and more love, more and more love
もっと いっぱい 愛を
Fill me with more love
Jinx on the second year
Always visits everybody
他人のことだと 安心してたら
If you think this happens to the others
あるとき 突然 やって来る
It will happen to you immediately
What's this? It's not what it should
思ったときには どうにもならない”
When you think that, there's nothing you can do
あのときは何故かしら 魔がさしたの
In that moment, who knows how, a demon appeared
You thought you were a good boy
おなじパターンで 迫って来る
But with the same pattern he followed you
あなた 進歩が見えないの
You made no progress
(小石も すぐ ルビー) ルビー
A pebble suddenly becomes a ruby
(蕾も はや薔薇に) 薔薇に
A bud soon becomes a rose
(1年過ぎたなら) そうよ
After a year passes,
I turned too beautiful
Now you're in trance
Embraced by me, you're in trance
(ジ・ン・ク・ス ジ・ン・ク・ス
Jinx, jinx
ジ・ン・ク・ス ジ・ン・ク・ス
Jinx, jinx
恋の刺激は 1年よ
The incentive of romance is one year
You can't use it in the same season
怠けていては つづかない
You can't be idle
恋の刺激は 1年よ
The incentive of romance is one year
You can't use it in the same season
怠けていては つづかない
You can't be idle
もっともっと 愛を もっともっと 愛を
More and more love, more and more love
愛をください 愛を もっと
Give me more love