On the cold return trip, I think of you so much, I become old
恬淡な 視線 浴びせるだけ
Showered only in your disinterested gaze
磊落な自我矜持して 軋轢の最中
Open-hearted, I kept my pride, and at the height of the conflict,
暁闇に そっと手 添えた紫苑。
In the moonless dawn, I gently slipped a purple aster into your hand.
片時雨のように 君だけが震えてる
Like a sudden rain shower, you trembled
「何故だろうか。」 「何故だろうね?」
Why is that? Why, I wonder.
I'm not lonely, you know
独りきりで振り返る程 大袈裟に追われ
The more I reflected alone, I was chased by exaggeration
満ち足りないんだ 玉響の黎明
It isn't enough - the fleeting moment of daybreak
Gazing at the destruction of the world,
I was swallowed by the silence
--say one day's gloomy eyes