Translation of the song Instagram artist 6363



English translation


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Sve su copy, ti si original EJ

Everyone is a copy, you're an original EY

Zaprati me na instagram

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Ti si vila a ja manijak EJ

You're a fairy and i'm a maniac EY

Zaprati me na instagram

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Sve su copy, ti si original EJ

Everyone is a copy, you're an original EY

Zaprati me na instagram

Follow me on instagram

Ti si vila a ja manijak EJ

You're a fairy and i'm a maniac EY



Bling, bling, bling

Bling, bling, bling

Pršti pršti svaka fotka

Every photo is a bomb

Ring ring ring ring

Ring ring ring ring

Ona zove hoće odmah

She's calling, she wants it immediately

Mutan vir vir vir od Hennessya koma

Blurry vortex, Hennessy coma

U džepu mi marsola, mala hoće sve i odmah

Marsala in my pocket, baby girl wants it all and wants it now

Zovi me, jer ti prelepa si ove noći

Call me, because you're beautiful tonight

Zovi me, jer moje oči žele samo tebe

Call me, because my eyes want just you

Zovi me, znam da gledaš moje storije

Call me, i know you see my stories

Zovi me, zovi me

Call me, call me





Pijem ice tea volim to što radiš

I'm drinking ice tea, i love that you're doing it

Koliko je sati moram kući mati

What time is it, i have to go home to my mom

Ja uvek high a ti lepa si ko barbi

I'm always high and you're pretty like a Barbie

Namerno to radiš kupiću ti nakit

You're doing it on purpose, i'll buy you jewelry

Puno me nervira to što lepa si

It bothers me so much that you're pretty

Ako te ukradu ja ću besan bit’

If they steal you i will be mad

Samo moja budi druge sve su šit

Just be mine everyone else is shit

Samo tebe želim zato dođi mi

I just want you so come to me



Zovi me, jer ti prelepa si ove noći

Call me, because you're beautiful tonight

Zovi me, jer moje oči žele samo tebe

Call me, because my eyes want just you

Zovi me, znam da gledaš moje storije

Call me, i k now you see my stories

Zovi me, zovi me

Call me, call me



Zaprati me na instagram

Follow me on instagram

Sve su copy, ti si original EJ

Everyone is a copy, you're an original EY

Zaprati me na instagram

Follow me on instagram

Ti si vila a ja manijak EJ

You're a fairy and i'm a maniac EY

Zaprati me na instagram

Follow me on instagram

Sve su copy, ti si original EJ

Everyone is a copy, you're an original EY

Zaprati me na instagram

Follow me on instagram

Ti si vila a ja manijak EJ

You're a fairy and i'm a maniac EY

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