Translation of the song Oči Zelene artist 6363


Oči Zelene

English translation

Green eyes

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči prelepe

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with her beautiful eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči zelene

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with green eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

Seti se na mene, ajde seti se na mene

Remember me, come on remember me

Previše sam tužan kada naša pesma krene

I'm too sad when our song starts

Seti se na mene, ajde seti se na mene

Remember me, come on remember me

Previše sam tužan kada naša pesma krene

I'm too sad when our song starts

Samo tvoj zagrljaj može da me smiri

Only your hug can calm me down

Ko da si aspiri, ko da bacaš čini

As if you were aspiring, as if you were casting spells

Život ide dalje, ali mi smo stali

Life goes on, but we stopped

Previše te volim, previše me boli

I love you too much, it hurts too much

Sudbina me ne voli bolje da sam loš

Fate doesn't love me better than being bad

Sve na svome dodje haha nikad neće to

Everything on its own comes haha ​​will never do that

Bacila si me u more puno tuge ko na koš

You threw me into the sea full of sorrow like a basket

300 puta ja te volim i šta pa hoću još,

I love you 300 times and what more do I want

Hoću jos bebe ajde oću još

I want more babies, come on, I want more

Ja nisam loš bebe ajde pucaj još

I'm not a bad baby let's shoot yet

Nisam loš bebe znaš da nisam loš

I'm not a bad baby you know I'm not bad

Ti samo dodji sve ce biti po tvom

You just come, everything will be yours

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči prelepe

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with her beautiful eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči zelene

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with green eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

Seti se na mene ajde seti se na mene

Remember me come on remember me

Previše sam tužan kada naša pesma krene

I'm too sad when our song starts

Seti se na mene ajde seti se na mene

Remember me come on remember me

Previše sam tužan kada naša pesma krene

I'm too sad when our song starts

Možda nisi tu al u glavi stalno si

Maybe you're not there but you're in your head all the time

Uvek bićemo u timu ja i ti

You and I will always be on the team

Kada svi su spavali bili smo budni ja i ti

When everyone was asleep, you and I were awake

A sada druzim se sa tugom u glavi si stalno ti

And now I'm hanging out with sadness in my head, it's you all the time

Sve me tera sve na zlo, a ja neću neću to

Everything makes me do evil, and I won't want it

Puno dima oči lava, los je san koji sanjam, sve se vrti oko mene, a ja oću tebe tebe ajde dodji bebe bebe jer ja pucaću na sebe ej

Lots of smoke lion eyes, it's a bad dream I'm dreaming, everything revolves around me, and I want you, come on, come baby babies because I'll shoot myself hey

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči prelepe

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with her beautiful eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

Zavoleo sam je, zavoleo sam oči zelene

I fell in love with her, I fell in love with green eyes

Zavoleo sam je, al na kraju ona otisla je je

I fell in love with her, but in the end she left

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