Translation of the song El 38 artist Divididos


El 38

English translation

The 38

El 38 está cargado,

The 38 is loaded,

le puse balas pero no se hace apretar

I put bullets but it doesn't let itself pull

en el oeste está el agite,

in the west is the wave

el líder manda pero vos, vos te quebrás.

the leader rules but you, you break yourself.

Y para qué tanto amor,

So much love for what,

si de chiquito sos así,

if you're like that since little,

pensá, pensá dice la tele

think, think says the TV

yo dije sí, pero no..., pero no tanto.

I said yes, but not..., but not that much-

Boxearon juntos con sus hijos

They boxed together with their children

mientras la guita se le iba por el diván

while the money was sinking in the sofa

cazá los brolis, dice tu vieja

grab the books, says your mother

y ese tipo por la radio no para de hablar.

and that guy on the radio doesn't stop talking.

En tu cabeza hay muchas cosas

There's so many things in your head

y la Martita se fue

and Martita is gone

vas a los bares y no alcanza

you go to the bars and it's not enough

todo te pesa bancátela

all weights, bear it

O al 38!

or take the 38!

O al 38!

or take the 38!

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