Translation of the song OTEAGEDA ! artist Bradio
Hands up! ウンザリをばらまいてさ
Hands up! Spread your dissatisfaction
Give up! こうなったら O・TE・A・GE・DA!
Give up! Since it's come to this, throw your hands up!
さぁ 今日もいっちょやりますか すぐ人に頼らず まずは自分なりに
Now, am I just gonna do it again today? Without relying on anyone, doing things my own way
その前に誰かお願い 背中の届かない やる気スイッチ押して
Before that, someone please, push the motivation switch on my back that I can't reach
ありのままって'我がまま'って言うこと? 考え出したら
Just being myself, is that what you call selfish? If I think about it,
止めらんない こんな自分 性格結構めんどくさっ
I can't stop being me, this personality is kind of a pain
お手上げだ もうダメだ
Throw your hands up, it's all gone wrong
There's just nothing more than can be done
ヤになっちゃうな お手上げだ
It's become such a pain, throw your hands up
それでも頑張っちゃう自分がいいね YOSSYAH!
Even so, I'm great when I try hard, huh? YES!
チャンネルを回すたび 想像を超えるニュースが 遠い国のことのよう
Each time I switch the channel, news beyond my imagination, like it's from some faraway country
何ができるわけでもないが 明日あいつにあったら 優しくしたいぜ
It's not like there's anything I can do, but if I were to meet them tomorrow, I'd like to be kind
文句ばっかりの ちっちゃいヤツにゃ なりたくないけど
Those petty people who do nothing but complain, I don't want to become one, but
人前で ご意見も 言えないヤツにもなりたくない
I also don't want to become someone who can't voice their opinion
お手上げだ もうダメだ
Throw your hands up, it's all gone wrong
If we can laugh it off, we'll just call it even
大体なんなんだ お手上げだ
It's all just chatter, throw your hands up
そんなときゃ仲間といるだけで YOSSYAH!
In those times, just being with friends is enough, YES!
Hands up! ウンザリをばらまいてさ
Hands up! Spread your dissatisfaction
でもどっか 期待してる 諦めの悪さに乾杯
But I'm looking forward to something, a toast to the sin of giving up!
お手上げだ もうダメだ
Throw your hands up, it's all gone wrong
There's just nothing more than can be done
ヤになっちゃうな お手上げだ
It's become such a pain, throw your hands up
Even so, I'm great when I try hard, huh?
お手上げだ もうダメだ
Throw your hands up, it's all gone wrong
That thing burning until the end of the end
やっぱ愛なんだ お手上げだ
It's love after all, throw your hands up
結局キミが笑顔なら YOSSYAH!
If you're laughing in the end, that's a YES!