Translation of the song Sparkling Night artist Bradio
Sparkling Night
Sparkling Night
キラキラ水面に浮かぶのは キミと僕の愛のSparkle
Appearing on the glittering water surface is the spark of our love
シャンパンにDiving 船上で踊るNight cruising
Diving in champagne, dancing on a ship, night cruising
Groove till we wanna drown
もうどれくらい キミの瞳に酔わされてるんだろう
Just how much am I gonna get drunk off your eyes?
このままじゃいられない 夜風が僕をさらうのさ
I can't stay like this. The night wind carries me off
夢だっていいんじゃない? 波まかせ
Even a dream's fine, right? Leaving it to the waves
どっちだっていいんじゃない? どこにたどり着く
Either way's fine, right? We'll arrive somewhere
キラキラ水面に浮かぶのは キミと僕の愛のSparkle
Appearing on the glittering water surface is the spark of our love
シャンパンにDiving 船上で踊るNight cruising
Diving in champagne, dancing on a ship, night cruising
Groove till we wanna drown
ゆらゆらと漂うのは 甘く香るキミのPurple
Wafting about is the sweet smell of your purple
甲板でshake hip 帆船は歌う Ocean Breeze
On deck you shake hip. The sailing ship sings an ocean breeze
Trues till we drown
Like it was decided it'd turn out this way from the start,
ジンクスを打ち破ってく キミがネオンに笑うのさ
you break the jinx and smile in the neon
さまよっていいんじゃない? ひと泣かせ
It's fine wandering about, right? A pain in the neck
浮かんでは消える ただの独りごと
Appearing and disappearing, just talking to myself
夜風がねむる頃には キミに伝えたいLove song
About the time the night wind sleeps, I wanna tell you a love song
もうちょっとDancing 頬寄せて”Let's stay together”
Dancing a bit more, cheeks come close, Let's stay together
消えないでHarbor lights
Don't disappear harbor lights
ゆらゆらと漂うのは 甘く香るキミのPurple
Wafting about is the sweet smell of your purple
甲板でshake hip 帆船は歌う Ocean Breeze
On deck you shake hip. The sailing ship sings an ocean breeze
Trues till we drown
キラキラ水面に浮かぶのは キミと僕の愛のSparkle
Appearing on the glittering water surface is the spark of our love
シャンパンにDiving 船上で踊るNight cruising
Diving in champagne, dancing on a ship, night cruising
Groove till we wanna drown