tu nun jesce mai da casa
you never leave home
perche' nun te fanno asci'
because they won't let you go out
sto murenno pe st'ammore
I'm dying for this love
nun me fido cchiu' e suffri
I don't want to suffer anymore
ce le ha di a sti genitori,
I've told it to your parents
mo' l'avessero ferni'
now they may have ended it (our relationship)
nun te pozzo vasa'
I cannot kiss you
io me sento e muri'
I feel like dying
quacche notte zitto zitto
some night little by little
chiano chiano a pere e chiummo
inch by inch on foot I'm pressing on
saglie n'coppa quatto quatto
climbing up on all fours
mazzecanno chewing gumm
chewing gum
nun m'appiccio a sigaretta
I won't light a cigarette
ca si no se vede o fummo
so they won't see the smoke
si ce n'coccia quaccheduno
if there's someone in front
c'ammuina po' veni'
he may come to the back (of the house)
e si trovo a porta chiusa,
and if I find the door locked
sai che faccio pe trasi'
you know what I'll do to come in
tengo pronto tutto o piano
I've everything ready, the plan
pe fa' chello ca voglio io
to do the thing I want
ce sta sotto a capa e o cane
a head below there's the dog,
ce vo a scala pe sagli'
a ladder is needed to climb
t'aggia a forza vasa',
I need to kiss you badly
nun me fido e suffri'
I don't want to suffer
quacche notte zitto zitto
some night little by little
chiano chiano a pere e chiummo
inch by inch on foot I'm pressing on
saglie n'coppa quatto quatto
climbing up on all fours
mazzecanno chewing gumm
chewing gum
nun m'appiccio a sigaretta
I won't light a cigarette
ca si no se vede o fummo
so they won't see the smoke
si ce n'coccia quaccheduno
if there's someone in front
c'ammuina po' veni'
he may come to the back
ce le ha di' a sti genitori
I've told it to your parents
mo l'avessero a ferni'
now they may have ended it
t'aggia a forza vasa',
I need to kiss you badly
nun me fido e suffri'
I don't want to suffer