Translation of the song No Comboio Descendente artist José Afonso
No Comboio Descendente
On the Train Going South
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
Vinha tudo à gargalhada.
Everyone was laughing
Uns por verem rir os outros
Some because they saw others laughing
E outros sem ser por nada
And others for no reason at all
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
De Queluz à Cruz Quebrada...
From Queluz to Cruz Quebrada.
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
Vinham todos à janela
Everyone looked out the window
Uns calados para os outros
Some were saying nothing
E outros a dar-lhes trela
And others answering back
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
De Cruz Quebrada a Palmela...
From Cruz Quebrada to Palmela
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
Mas que grande reinação!
What great revelry
Uns dormindo, outros com sono,
Some sleeping, others just tired
E outros nem sim nem não
And others neither this way or that way
No comboio descendente
On the train going south
De Palmela a Portimão
From Palmela to Portimão.