Translation of the song We Still artist ASTRO (South Korea)
We Still
We Still
Yeah 눈 부신 햇살 속에 걸어가
Yeah I walk in the radiant sunshine
맞닿은 시선 속의 너와 나
Inside yours and my glance that meets together
두 손을 꼭 잡고 Oh 잡고 Yeah
Holding two hands tightly Oh holding Yeah
돌아보면은 참 아득해
When I look back, it's very distant
넘어온 시간의 길 위에
On the road of passed time
그 모든 날 그 모든 날
All those days all those days
고스란히 남아 있는걸
It's remained of what was left
처음이라 낯선 길을 헤매고
Searching in the unfamiliar roads for the first time
마냥 외롭고 불안한 날에도
Even on the lonely and anxious days
곁에 멈춰 서준 한 사람
One person who stopped and stood at the side
니가 전부 있어줬잖아 Yeah
You were here for everything Yeah
수 없는 계절 함께 지나온 뒤에도
After the passed countless season spent together
이렇게 We Still We Still
Like this We Still We Still
여전히 우린 함께야
We are still together
어떤 시간 속 다시 만난다 해도
Even if we meet again at whichever time
여전히 We Still We Still
Still We Still We Still
변치 않을 고백 너를 지킬게
The confession that will not change, I'll protect you
아주 오래도록
For a very long time
약속해 네게 We Still We Still
I promise, to me We Still We Still
변치 않을 나의 꿈 너야
My dream that will not change, it's you
너와 걷다 보니 여긴 어딜까
While walking with you, where is this
한참이 돼서
After a while
문득 들게 됐지 이 생각
I thought all of a sudden this thoght
이 밤을 따라 밝게
Following this night brightly
저 빛나는 곳을 향해
Towards that bright place
너와 함께 가는 중이었어
I was in the middle of going with you
모든 시간들
All the time
기약 없었던 오늘을 만들어 준
Without deadline that made today
네가 있기에
Because you were here
앞으로도 어떤 일도
Regardless of anything that happens from now
모두 괜찮을 것만 같아
I think everything will be okay
하루하루 소중한 건 변하고
Day by day the precious things change
가끔 엇갈려 두려울 때에도
Even sometimes at the confused and scared times
우린 닿을 거야 반드시
We will reach it certainly
니가 매일 말해줬듯이 Yeah
Like how you told me every day Yeah
수 없는 계절 함께 지나온 뒤에도
After the passed countless season spent together
이렇게 We Still We Still
Like this We Still We Still
여전히 우린 함께야
We are still together
어떤 시간 속 다시 만난다 해도
Even if we meet again at whichever time
여전히 We Still We Still
Still We Still We Still
변치 않을 고백 너를 지킬게
The confession that will not change, I'll protect you
곁에 있을게
I'll be at your side
곁에 있을게
I'll be at your side
변치 않을 단 하나의 꿈
The only one dream that will not change
나중에 시간 지나
Later time passes
주변은 다 변한다고 해도
Even if all the surrounding changes
너를 향한 마음과 내 변치 않을 태도
My heart towards you and my attitude that will not change
자는 시간까지 함께 할 거야
I'm going to be with you even until it's the time to sleep
I’ll see you in my dreams
I’ll see you in my dreams
떠나지 않아 저 끝까지 데려갈게
I won't leave, I'll bring you
언제나 We Still We Still
Always We Still We Still
함께할 날이 더 많아
There are days that we are going to be together
어떤 시간 속 다시 만난다 해도
Even if we meet again at whichever time
여전히 We Still We Still
There is a lot of time to be together
변치 않을 고백 너를 지킬게
Even if we meet again at whichever time
아주 오래도록
For a very long time
약속해 네게
Promise me, to me
We Still We Still
We Still We Still
변치 않을 나의 꿈 너야
My dream that will not change, it's you