Translation of the song Čerešne artist Hana Hegerová
Ako mladé dievča – už je to za nami –
As a little girl, it's already behind us1
po stromoch som liezla s našimi chlapcami.
I used to climb on trees with our boys
A vždy keď na strome zlomili halúzku,
Everytime they broke a branch on a tree,
hádzali mi chlapci čerešne za blúzku.
boys used to throw cherries behind my blouse
Keď boli zvedaví, čo to mám pod blúzkou,
When they were curious, what was I having behind the blouse
odháňala som ich zelenou halúzkou.
I used to drive them off with a green branch.
Ubránila som sa viac-menej úspešne –
I defended myself more or less successfully
nikto nesmel siahnuť na moje čerešne.
No one was allowed to touch my cherries
Neverte mládencom, keď sa vám zapáčia –
Don't trust guys, when You fall in love with them
vyjedia vám všetky čerešne z koláča.
they will eat all of the cherries from your cake
Chlapci neublížia, kým hľadia zo stromu;
Boys can't offend until they're looking from tree
keď zoskočia dolu, čakajte pohromu.
when they jump off, wait a disaster.
Keď sa na vás chlapec zadíva uprene,
When a boy looks at you steadfastly
ako tie čerešne budete červené.
You will get red like those cherries
Keď sa na vás šuhaj usmeje pod fúzky,
When a swain smiles at you under his whisker
rýchlo vyberajte čerešne spod blúzky –
Fast take the cherries out from your blouse!
čerešne sú zrelé a blúzka priúzka,
Cherries are full-blown and blouse too tight
nič vám nepomôže zelená halúzka.
A green branch can't help you at all