Aylar oldu gülüşünü görmedim
Months have passed, and I didn't see his smile.
O benim ruhumdu nasıl özledim
He was my soul, how much did I miss him.
Anlat dostum bana ondan bahset
Tell me my friend, just talk about him.
Hasret kaldım dinleyeyim
I miss him greatly, so let me listen.
Aylar oldu sesini duymadım
Months have passed, and I didn't hear his voice.
O bana vurgundu görmezden geldim
He was in love with me, but I shut my eyes.
Anlat dostum Allah’ın aşkı için
For gods sake tell me my friend.
Bana ondan bahset dinleyeyim
Speak of him, and let me listen.
Sen bilirsin hala bekler mi
You know, is he still waiting for me.
Arıyor mu teni ellerimi
Is his body looking for my hands.
Tekrar baksam alev gözlerine
If only I can look once again into his blazing eyes.
Beni anlar mı , affeder mi
Will he understand me, will he forgive me.
Ne zaman bitti sevdiğimiz şarkı
When did the song that we love end.
Çal bi daha çal bi daha geldiğim bilsin
Play it once again, play it once again, let him know of my coming.
Onsuzluk yok artık söz verdim kendime
I promised myself there will be nothing without him.
Niye hala yok hala yok çağırın gelsin
Why is he absent yet, call him let him come.