Translation of the song Kızıl Mavi artist Ebru Gündeş


Kızıl Mavi

English translation

Kizil Mavi

Gittin, boynumu büktün

you have gone, i have drooped

Nasıl üzüldüm, nasıl üzüldüm bilemezsin

how much i have been sad, you wouldn't know

Uyandum, bir sağa döndüm, bir sola döndüm

i woke up, i turned to my left and right..

Deliye döndüm, görsen ölürdün, gidemezdin

i have gone crazy, you would have died if you had seen, you wouldn't have leaved

Başımın ucunda tek kelimelik ayrılık

at my hill the one-worded break up

Büyük harflerle sessizce çıkmış gitmiş

has appeared and gone with capital letters

Elinde tuttuğun karar, bense sanık

what you hold between your hands is the decision and i am the accused

Cezam müebbet aşk, tek sorun yalnızlık

my punishment is the perpetual love, the only problem is loneliness

Biraz kızıl, biraz mavi

a little bit crimson, a little bit blue

Yalnızlığın asil rengi

the real color of the loneliness

Gün batmadan dönsen bari

at least you would come before the sunset

Keşke dedim, duymadın mı?

i said i wish have you not heard

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