Translation of the song 何も言えなくて…夏 artist THE JAYWALK
I Had No Word to Say...The Summer
綺麗な指してたんだね 知らなかったよ
You have beautiful fingers, I didn't know that.
となりにいつもいたなんて 信じられないのさ
I can't believe you were always next to me.
こんなに素敵なレディが俺 待っててくれたのに
Even though such a lovely lady was waiting for me.
Confess me any worries, she said that to me.
時がいつか 二人をまた
If time someday leads us back to the day
初めて会った あの日のように導くのなら
when we first met again.
二人して生きることの 意味をあきらめずに
Without giving up the meaning of living together,
語り合うこと 努めることを 誓うつもりさ
I will swear to talk and strive together.
It was a start for me. Even it was a goal for you.
I couldn't say anything to your tearful eyes.
何も言えなくて まだ愛してたから・・・
Because I still loved you.
もう二度と会わない方が いいと言われた日
On the day when I was told that we should never meet again,
やっと解った事があるんだ 気づくのが遅いけど
It's late to notice, but I've finally found out a clue.
世界中の悩み ひとりで背負ってたあの頃
At the time when I was carrying the troubles of the world alone,
俺の背中と話す君は 俺よりつらかったのさ
you who talk to my back were having hard time than me.
時がいつか 二人をまた
If time someday leads us back to the day
初めて会った あの日のように導くのなら
when we first met again.
水のように 空気のように 意味を忘れずに
Like water, like air, don't forget the meaning of them.
あたりまえの 愛などないと 心に刻もう
Let's keep in mind that there is no natural love.
短い夏の終わりを告げる 波の音しか聞こえない
I can only hear the sound of the waves that signal the end of a short summer.
もうこれ以上 苦しめないよ
I won't let you suffer anymore.
背中にそっと 「さよなら…」
I will say gently on your back, Goodbye
時がいつか 二人をまた
If time someday leads us back to the day
初めて会った あの日のように導くのなら
when we first met again.
二人して生きることの 意味をあきらめずに
Without giving up the meaning of living together,
語り合うこと 努めることを 誓うつもりさ
I will swear to talk and strive together.
It was a start for me. Even it was a goal for you.
I couldn't say anything to your tearful eyes.
何も言えなくて まだ愛してたから・・・
Because I still loved you.