Translation of the song Iran Iran 2014 artist Arash
Iran Iran 2014
Iran Iran 2014
ما بچه هاي ايرونيم
we are Iran's Children
هميشه ايروني مي مونيم
and we will always stay Iranian
باهم يكصدا مي خونيم
together with one voice we will sing
با هم يكصدا
together with one voice
ايران ايران ايران
Iran Iran Iran
پرچمش تو دستامونه
its flag is in our hands
فرياد ايرانم رو لبهامونه
we're shouting its name (Iran's shout is on our lips )
حال حريفو مي گيريم
we will beat our rivals ( We will make them sad )
اگه پاش بيوفته
if it is required
واسه ايران مي ميريم
we will die for Iran
نسل من نسل آريا
my nation is Arian (my generation is Aria's generation)
خون گرم و خاكي بي ريا
so kind and friendly and sincere
هرجا كه باشم هر جاي دنيا
anywhere i am anywhere in universe
جانم فداي ذره ذره خاك ايران
i'll sacrifice myself for every single part of Iran's Land
كوروش كبير سلطانه
The Great Cyrus is The king
آرش كمانگير اهل ايرانه
Arash the Archer , is from Iran
جانم فداي فرهنگ و
i'll sacrifice myself for iran's culture
دو هزار و پونصد سال تمدن ايران
and its 2500years civilization