Translation of the song Andrii Popa artist Phoenix


Andrii Popa

English translation

Andrii Popa

Cine trece-n valea seacă

Who is that man riding through the barren valley

Cu hamgerul fără teacă

With his unsheathed knife

Şi cu pieptul dezvelit?

And his bare chest?

Andrii Popa cel vestit.

The famous Andrii Popa.

Andrii Popa cel vestit.

The famous Andrii Popa.

Şapte ani cu voinicie

For seven years with courage

Şi-a bătut joc de domnie

He has mocked the rulers

Şi tot pradă neîncetat

And he ceaselessly keeps robbing

Andrii Popa, hoţ bărbat.

Andrii Popa, highwayman,

Andrii Popa, hoţ bărbat.

Andrii Popa, highwayman.



E haiduc şi e vestit

He’s an outlaw and he’s famous

Andrii Popa cel voinic

Andrii Popa the courageous.

Zi şi noapte tot călare

Day and night he rides,

Trage bir din drumul mare

He takes his tribute from the main road

Şi din ţară peste tot

And everywhere in the country

Fug neferii cât ce pot.

The thief catchers are running away as fast as they can

Fug neferii cât ce pot.

The thief catchers are running away as fast as they can

Căci el are-o puşcă plină

For he’s got a gun loaded

Cu trei glonţi la rădăcină

With three bullets in a cartridge

Ş-are-un murg de patru ani

And he’s got a four year old dark-bay horse

Care muşcă din duşmani

Who bites the enemies.

Care muşcă din duşmani

Who bites the enemies.



E haiduc şi e vestit

He’s an outlaw and he’s famous

Andrii Popa cel voinic.

Andrii Popa the courageous.

Ş-are fraţi de cruce şapte

And he’s got seven sworn brothers

Care-au supt sângele cu lapte

Who were nursed with milk and blood

Şi nu-i pasă de nimic

And he doesn’t care about anything

Andrii Popa cel voinic,

Andrii Popa the courageous,

Andrii Popa cel voinic.

Andrii Popa the courageous.



E haiduc şi e vestit

He’s an outlaw and he’s famous

Andrii Popa cel voinic.

Andrii Popa the courageous.

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