Translation of the song Anule, hanule artist Phoenix


Anule, hanule

English translation

Year, auberge

S-au dus...

They went...

Trei hoti, trei hoti de cai,

Three thieves, three horse thieves

La un drum de seara,

on an evening road



Cai arabi si crai.

Royal arabian horses.


They were

Trei hoti, trei hoti de rai,

three thieves, three heaven thieves

La un drum de ceara,

on a wax road



Intr-un ceas coraille.

in an orange time...

Stau de-un veac la han,

They're sitting for a century at the auberge

La hanul de-apoi,

the auberge from then

In care n-auzi

where you can't hear

Caval si cimpoi.

whistle and bagpipe.

Ninsi de sus din cer

Snowed from the sky

Cu lana de oi

with sheep wool

Ceasul e de ieri

The time is yesterday

Si ziua de joi.

and the day is thursday



Mas al lor care e,

is their halt

Care le e hramul,

what's their thing



Si adastă ce?

and what they're waiting for



Vanat si pembe

violet and pink

Sa se uşte ramul,

to run



La Edi-Kule!

to Edi-Kule

Sfat de taina tin

They're holding a secret counsel

Colo la cel han,

there at the auberge

Han de toti uitat

auberge forgot

Si de Gingis-han,

even by Genghis-Khan

In care o zi-i

where a day is

Mai mare de-un an

larger than a year

Si anu-i un veac

and the year is a century

Si veacul-noian.

and the century is larger...



Sa imi spui ce fac ei

tell me what they're doing

Si ce pun la cale,

and what are they planning



Craisorii trei?

the three emperors?

Vezi si..

You see that

Insuti ca nu frig miei,

they're neither frying lambs

Nici golesc pocale,

nor emptying glasses



Craisorii zmei!

the dragon emperors!

Dar au un ceaslov

But they're having a big book

Cu scoarte de-argint,

with silver pages

Timpul vremuind,

about the time


not getting worn out

Filele-i viind,

Its pages coming

Far' de moarte fiind,

being without death

Cartea vietii lor

Reading themselves

Insisi procetind.

their book of life

Ceasul e de ieri

The time is of yesterday

Si ziua de voi,

and the day of yours

Ninsi de sus din cer

Snowed from the sky

Cu lana de oi

with sheep wool

Si cu mult alean

and with more yearning

Cantati sunt de noi,

they're sung by us

Stau de-un veac la han,

Sitting for a century at the auberge

La hanul de-apoï.

the auberge from then...

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