Translation of the song Ceata II artist Phoenix


Ceata II

English translation

The gang 2

Ne-a iesit cu plinu-n cale,

It got in our way,

seara la fântâna,

in the evening at the fountain,

noi, flamânzi, far' de parale

we, hungry, without money

de vreo saptamână

for about a week

Ceata de flacai cu plete

The gang of lads with long hair

si cu cobza'-n mâna,

and pipe in hand,

S-a oprit si pe-ndelete

They stopped short

ne da Sara buna

give us good evening

Hei-hei, voi, ia veniţi cu noi

Hey, hey you! Come with us

şi de nu v-o place vă dăm banii-napoi

and if you don't like it, we give your money back.

Hei-hei, voi, ia veniţi cu noi

Hey, hey you! Come with us

şi de-acum tot neamul să scape de nevoi

so from now on, the whole people will forget the needs.

A trecut de-acum şi ceata

Now, the gang has passed by

tăt cântând în strună

singing around

De sus plouă cu găleata,

It's now raining cats and dogs,

eu stau la fântână

I'm sitting at the fountain

Mă mir cum se-nvârte roata

Wondering how the wheels are turning

de vreo săptămână

for about a week

Cum ţi-aşterni, aşa ai să dormi!

As you lay down, so you will sleep!

Zicala asta-i bună!

This quote is good!

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