Translation of the song Culegătorul de melci artist Phoenix
Culegătorul de melci
The snail harvester
Culori de vis cantau
Dreamy colours were singing
Cand stropi-n cer luceau
as drops were glowing in the sky
Ca niste pietre de rubin
like some rubies
Pierdute in frunzis
lost in the leaves
Si ochii dezmierdau
and caressing the eyes...
Un om inmarmurit
An man turned to stone
De-al zilei rasarit
by the sunrise of the day
Trezit in lume pe pamant
awakened in the world on earth
De totul e un basm
it's a fairy tale
Un paradis vrajit
an enchanted paradise
Omule ce pe sub frunze
Man searching under leaves
Si prin scorburi scotocesti
and also through the
Dupa cate-un melc ce doarme
for some sleeping snail
Al padurii somn trezesti
you're waking the forest from its sleep...
Al zilei joc divin
The divine game of the day
Curat de farmec plin
full of clear charm,
El nu vazu cum soarele
he didn't see the sun
Grabit de somn pierea
rushing for his sleep was dying
Amurgul prevestind...
announcing the twillight
Omule, ce dus de apa
Man taken by the water
Frumusetilor de vis...
of the dream's beauties...
Omule, ce dus de apa
Man, taken by the water
Frumusetilor de vis,
of the dream's beauties...
Ai uitat de tine insuti
you forgot about yourself
Te-ai trezit in paradis
and woke up in paradise...
Omule, ce dus de apa
Man, taken by the water
Frumusetilor de vis,
of the dream's beauties...
Ai uitat de tine insuti
you forgot about yourself
Te-ai trezit in paradis
and woke up in paradise...
Omule, ce dus de apa
Man, taken by the water
Frumusetilor de vis,
of the dream's beauties...
Ai uitat de tine insuti
you forgot about yourself
Te-ai trezit in paradis
and woke up in paradise...