Translation of the song Mica ţiganiadă artist Phoenix


Mica ţiganiadă

English translation

Little ţiganiadă*

Trec ţigani pe drum, drumu-i plin de fum

Gypsies pass on the road, the road is full of smoke,

Fumu-i plin de scrum, foc ardea

The smoke is full of ashes, fire was burning

Vai ţigani, ţigani, gipsy şi gitani

Oh tziganes, tziganes, gypsies and gitanes

Fără cer şi ani, trec pe drum

Without a sky and years, pass on the road.

Ţigănie rai, rai care erai

Gypsiness heaven, heaven that you were

Caravan serai giacardea

Caravan palace giacardea**

Raiul meu beteag de pe alt meleag

My ill heaven from another place

Cât îmi eşti de drag, nu ştiu cum

How dear you're to me, I don't know.

Trec ţigani prin colb, colbul este orb

The gypsies pass trough the dust, the dust is blind,

Orbul e un corb giacardea

The blind man is a crow giacardea

Cade seara-n câmp soarele-i scălâmb

The night falls over the field the sun is deformed

Cortul este strâmb foc ardea

The tent is bent, fire was burning.

Fac ţiganii foc, focu-i la mijloc

The gypsies are making the fire, the fire is in the middle

Fete cu ghioc

Girls with ghioc

Şi cu cărţi de joc, hai noroc, noroc

And with playing cards, come on cheers, cheers

Vino la soroc

Come to see your destiny.

Vino să-ţi ghicesc cărţile vorbesc

Come so I can guess your future the cards talk

Şi nu ne minţesc, giacardea

And they don't lie to us, giacardea

Fată de caro sub cer indigo

Queen of diamonds under a indigo sky

Să-ţi spun încotro foc ardea

So I can tell you where fire was burning

Că mulţi ani s-au scurs de când el s-a dus

Because lots of years passed since he was gone

Cu un pui de urs pe un drum

With a bear cub on a road

Cu belciug şi lanţ fără nici un sfanţ

With a piercing and a chain without a dime

Spre un târg bizanţ foc ardea

To a byzantine fair fire was burning

Zaiafet acum lăutari duium

Zaiafet now a crowd of fiddlers

Numai tu nicicum, giacardea

Only you no way, giacardea

Noaptea de-ar veni pe pământul gri

The night would come over the gray ground

De ne-ar adormi orişicum

But it would make us fall to sleep anyway

O dar azi dar azi ceru-i de atlaz

Oh but today today the sky is of satin

Soarele-n extaz

The sun is in ecstasy

Ei se duc la pas spre un alt popas

The go by foot to another camp

Şatră de pripas

Camp of starngers

Până nu-i mai vezi, până nu-i mai crezi

Until you can't see them anymore, until you don't believe them anymore

Şi din ochi îi pierzi

And they go out of sight

Printre ceţuri verzi, ceţuri de livezi

Through green mists, mists of orchards

Vezi că nu-i mai vezi

You see you can't see them anymore

Giacardea, cardea

Giacardea, cardea*****

Gialino mura

Gialino mura

Gia mura mura

Gia mura mura

Ce mişto

How nice

Giacardea, cardea

Giacardea, cardea

Gialino mura

Gialino mura

Gia mura mura

Gia mura mura

Ce mişto

How nice

Giacardea, cardea

Giacardea, cardea

Gialino mura

Gialino mura

Gia mura mura

Gia mura mura

Ce mişto

How nice

Giacardea, cardea

Giacardea, cardea

Gialino mura

Gialino mura

Gia mura mura

Gia mura mura

Ce mişto

How nice

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