Translation of the song Higher Heart artist Keiko Obara
Higher Heart
Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
はばたく喜びを 教えてくれた
You taught me the joy of spreading my wings
愛 優しさだけじゃないね
Cause our love ain't just about tenderness
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
胸の鼓動を 歌で伝える
I convey my heartbeat to you with this song
Now I'm on an odyssey!
いつも夢見てた ときが変わるのを
Waiting for the time to come where I could stop dreaming,
待って 今 ここにいるよ
I've come to where I am right now
光 ふりそそぐ 空が動き出す
The sky that drenches me in light begins to move
この日 すべて 新しい季節
And on this day, a new season will come
愛し合う 意味 知ったとき
When I found out what it meant to make love
苦しいこと 淋しいこと 超えていたよ
I overcame every painful and lonely thing
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
悲しいときにも わかりあえるさ
We get each other even in the most sad of times
愛 憧れだけじゃないね
Cause our love ain't just about longing for each other
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
胸の青さを 声に出したい
I wanna convey the blue in my chest with my voice
Now I'm on an odyssey!
いつも夢見てた ときが変わるのを
Waiting for the time to come where I could stop dreaming,
待って 今 ここにいるよ
I've come to where I am right now
星に つぶやいた 指を温めた
Although I spoke to the stars and they warmed my fingers
けれど いつも さまよっていたよ
I couldn't help getting lost
信じてる 今は信じてる
But now I believe, yes, I believe in you
未来の門 思い描く 強いハートで
With a strong heart that's painting it's own gate to the future
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
はばたく喜びを 教えてくれた
You taught me the joy of spreading my wings
愛 苦しいだけじゃないね
Cause our love ain't only about the agony
You take me to a Higher Heart
You take me to a Higher Heart
胸の鼓動を 歌で伝える
I convey my heartbeat to you with this song
Now I'm on an odyssey!