Translation of the song Lille filantrop artist Annika Aakjær


Lille filantrop

English translation

Little Philanthropist

Mit ungdomssløvsind

My youthful lethargy

Kommer aldrig til at passe ind

Will never fit in

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

Min mor og min far

My mother and my father

Ved ikke, hvor jeg har det fra

Don't know where I've got it from

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

Det har de sagt tit

They've said that often

De si'r: Din lille filantrop, vågn nu op!

They say, You little philanthropist, just wake up!

Læs dit horoskop og gi' langsomt op!

Read your horoscope and give up slowly!

Der findes ingen Peter Pan

There's no Peter Pan

Og ingen lever af at lege hele dagen

And no one can live by playing all day

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

De si'r: Din lille filantrop, vågn nu op!

They say, You little philanthropist, just wake up!

Læs dit horoskop og gi' langsomt op!

Read your horoscope and give up slowly!

Op! (Kom nu, kom nu)[x3]

Up! (Come on, come on)[x3]

Kom nu, kom nu

Come on, come one

Kom nu

Come on

Du bli'r glad i længden for den gave

You'll be happy about the gift in the long run

Det klæ'r dine albuer med sådan et par rundsave

It suits your elbows with a couple of circular saws

Og her er bajonetter til dine skulderblade

And here are bayonets for your shoulder blades

Et værn mod verden, der' fuld af kulde og had

A protection against the world so full of cold and hatred

Og nu skal du husk' at knapp' jernskjorten

And remember to button up your iron shirt

Og du skal holde op med at være fjorten

And you must stop being fourteen years old

Drop de der drømme, de gi'r bagslag

Forget those dreams, they'll backfire

Livet er ikk' Martin Luther lagkage

Life isn't a piece of Martin Luther cake1

Det' den stemme, der bli'r ved med at snakke

It's the voice which keeps on talking

Jep, den sidder også i min nakke

Yup, it's in the back of my neck

Den har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard it so often

Den har kørt på repeat

It's been going on repeat

Det er skørt, det skidt

That shit is crazy

Det har ført for vidt

It's gone too far

Det bli'r ikke sandt af at blive gentaget

It won't become true by being repeated

Så jeg ta'r nålen af vinylen og knækker den plade

So I take the needle off the vinyl and break the record

Så nemt at gøre, hva' der bli'r sagt

It's so easy to do what you're told

Bare ta' den hånd, du får rakt

Just take the hand reaching out for you

Det har jeg hørt så tit

I've heard that so often

Men det her liv er mit

But this life is mine

Så hver en filantrop, vågn nu op!

They say, You little philanthropist, just wake up!

Og glem dit horoskop og gi' aldrig op!

And read your horoscope and give up slowly!

Så hver en filantrop, vågn nu op!

They say, You little philanthropist, just wake up!

Og glem dit horoskop og gi' aldrig op!

And read your horoscope and give up slowly!

Hver en filantrop, vågn op!

They say, You little philanthropist, just wake up!

Glem dit horoskop og gi' aldrig op!

Read your horoscope and give up slowly!

(Fuck you! I won't do what you tell me!)

(Fuck you! I won't do what you tell me!)

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