Translation of the song Cet enfant-là artist Barbara


Cet enfant-là

English translation

Oh, that young child

Cet enfant-là,

Oh, that young child,

Cet enfant-là,

Oh, that young child,

Te ressemble, te ressemble,

Looks like you, looks like you.

Il a de toi,

He draws from you

Je ne sais quoi,

I don't know what,

Le sourire,

His sweet smile,

Ou peut-être,

Or perhaps,

Quand il marche,

When he walks,

Ta démarche,

Your same gait,

Il hésite et s'avance,

Hesitates and walks on.

Cet enfant-là,

He resembles

Te ressemble,

You, O, that child

Et j'en tremble,

And I tremble...

Cet enfant-là,

For, that young child,

Tu t'en souviens,

You remember,

Tu le voulais,

You wanted him,

Tu m'en parlais,

You talked of him,

Et merveille des merveilles,

And Wonder of wonders,

Je riais de t'entendre,

I laughed when you spoke.

Tu me disais,

You would tell me,

Comme je voudrais,

How I wish he

Qu'il te ressemble,

Were your semblance,

Te ressemble,

Your semblance,

Moi je voulais,

But I wanted

Que cet enfant,

That young child

Te ressemble,

To be like you,

Tu voulais qu'un jour, il soit avocat ou bien médecin,

You wanted him to be, one day, a lawyer or a doctor.

Nous nous disputions déjà l'avenir,

We disagreed about the future

D'un enfant qui n'était pas encore là,

Of a child who was not born yet.

Moi, je voulais qu'il soit berger, jardinier,

I wanted him to be a shephard, a gardener

Ou bien musicien,

Or a musician.

Je l'imaginais déjà, tout petit,

I figured him already, all young,

Un immense piano au bout de ses doigts,

A huge piano before his fingers.

Il aura des poissons d'or, des jardins de sable,

He will have some goldfish, and also sand-gardens

Et de grands voiliers blancs,

And big white sailing-ships

Des oiseaux de feu, des îles enchantées,

And some firebirds , enchanted islands,

Des étoiles filantes au fond de ses yeux,

And shooting-stars in the deep of his eyes.

Il ne connaîtra que l'ogre gentil,

He'll only know but the gentle ogre

Qui, jamais, n'a dévoré les enfants,

Who has never eaten any children,

Mon enfant dieu, mon enfant prince, mon enfant roi,

My godly child, my princely child, my kingly child

Mon enfant merveilleux, mon enfant rien qu'à moi,

My marvellous child,

Nous lui tournions des manèges sous la neige,

O my child, only mine,

Nous lui bâtissions des châteaux en Norvège, en Norvège,

We'd run merry-go-rounds for him in the snow.

Mais cet enfant-là,

We'd build for him castles in Norway, in Norway,

Cet enfant-là,

But that young child

Lui ressemble,

Looks like her,

Il a d'elle,

Has from her

Je ne sais quoi,

I don't know what,

Le sourire,

Her sweet smile

Ou peut-être,

Or perhaps,

Quand elle marche,

When he walks

Sa démarche,

Her same gait

Et sa grâce,

And her grace,

Ma disgrâce,

my disgrace.

Cet enfant-là,

That young child has

N'a rien de moi,

Nothing from me,

Mais vous ressemble,

Looks like you two

Cet enfant-là,

Now, that young child,

Cet enfant-là,

Now, that young child,

Te regarde,

Looks at you,

Me regarde,

Looks at me,

Il s'étonne,

And wonders

Il s'inquiète,

And worries

Et timide, il s'avance,

And shyly, he walks on,

Cet enfant-là,

Yes, that young child,

Me tend les bras,

Opens his arms

Et je l'aime,

And I love him,

Cet enfant-là,

That child that has

N'a rien de moi, mais te ressemble,

Nothing from me, but looks like you,

Ressemble, ressemble...

Looks like you, like you...

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