Translation of the song Arbolito sin hojas artist Dora Vysotskaya
Arbolito sin hojas
Little bare tree
El arbolito sin hojas
The little bare tree,
Pobrecito el arbolito,
poor thing, little tree,
sin hojitas se quedó
stripped of all it's leaves,
porque ya llegó el Otoño
because Autumn has arrived,
y el viento se las llevó.
and the wind blew them away.
Van cayéndose solitas
Falling, on their own,
sin el calor del sol,
without the heat of the sun,
ya que su amigo lejano
since it's distant friend,
a la escondida jugó.
played hide and seek.
Pobrecito el arbolito
Poor thing, little tree,
sin abrigo él está,
it is without it's coat,
pronto llegará el Invierno
Winter is coming soon,
mucho frío pasará.
it will be very cold.