Translation of the song Un món desconegut artist Dora Vysotskaya
Un món desconegut
An unknown world
Què faria jo en un món,
What would I do in a world
que tothom desconegués?
that nobody knows?
Què faria jo si un segon
What would I do if one second
en veritat fossi molt més?
actually was a lot more?
Vaig mirar per la finestra
I looked out of the window,
tot veient volar ocells
seeing birds flying
que seguint el pas del mestre
that, following their master's steps
escoltaven els consells
were listening to the pieces of advice
Vaig fer un gran dibuix,
I did a great drawing,
em vaig ficar dins d'ell
I put myself into it
Tot era de colors,
It was colours everywhere,
semblant al d'un mantell
similar to the ones of a cloak
Vaig trovar-me en un perill,
I found myself in danger,
el meu món desapareixia
my world disappeard
És que tot era un somni
It was all a dream
i ja era de dia
and it was day already