Translation of the song Mi-e dor de tine artist Vunk


Mi-e dor de tine

English translation

I miss you

Iar este o zi dintre acelea

Again, it's a day among those

Cand nu pot sa-ti ating pielea

When I can't touch your skin

Ma uit la poze sa-mi fac sange rau

I look at photos to make my blood boil

Ca si-n vene curge numele tau

Because even in my veins flows your name

Iar este azi si n-are cine

It's today again and there's nobody

Sa te aduca la mine

To bring you to me

De-ar fi cineva sa-l platesc cu oricat

If only there were someone to pay with anything

Sa te-aduca la mine si-atat

To bring you to me and that's it

Mi-e dor de tine si cam asta e

I miss you and that's about it

Nu pot sa te uit si habar n-am de ce

I can't forget you and I have no idea why

Mi-e dor de tine dar mai tare ma doare

I miss you but it hurts me more

Ca suntem prea mici pentru o iubire asa mare

That we're too small for a love so big

Uite-i pe toti cum se-agita

Look at everyone, how they clamor

S-arate ca au o viata fericita

To show that they have happy lives

Saracii de ei nici nu stiu ce-i fericirea

Poor things, they don't even know what love is

Daca nu ti-au vazut privirea

If they haven't seen your gaze

Si poate intr-o zi pe o strada

And maybe one day, on a street

Pe o podea de mansarda

On the deck of a loft

Vom sta dezbracati ascultand niste jazz

We'll stay naked, listening to some jazz

Oftand, te iubesc, dar nu azi

Sighing, I love you, but not today

Mi-e dor de tine si cam asta e

I miss you and that's about it

Nu pot sa te uit si habar n-am de ce

I can't forget you and I have no idea why

Mi-e dor de tine dar mai tare ma doare

I miss you but it hurts me more

Ca suntem prea mici pentru o iubire asa mare

That we're too small for a love so big

Orice-mi spui, mai bine sunt a nimanui

Whatever you say to me, it's better for me to belong to nobody

Nici a ta si nici a lui

Neither yours nor his

Ori de cate ori ma lupt cu acelasi dor

Time and time again, I fight with the same longing

Ma trage inapoi sa ma-ntorc

It pulls me back and I return

Mi-e dor de tine si cam asta e

I miss you and that's about it

Nu pot sa te uit si habar n-am de ce

I can't forget you and I have no idea why

Mi-e dor de tine dar mai tare ma doare

I miss you but it hurts me more

Ca suntem prea mici pentru o iubire asa mare . . .

That we're too small for a love so big . . .

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