Gheorghiaş Voinicu,
George lad
El s-a lăudatu,
Has bragged
C-are oi mai multe.
That he has more sheep,
Câte pietre-n munte
As many as the stones on the mountain.
–Atâtea oi de multe,
- So many sheep,
Dar un' mi le paşti?
But where is he grazing them?
Pe cer, pe seninu,
Under the sky, under the clear sky.
Dar un' mi le-adapă?
But where is he letting them drink water?
La cel nor de ploaie,
At that rainy cloud.
Dar un' mi le culcă?
But where is he keeping them during the night?
La cel cerc de lună,
Under the moon's hallow.
La uşă ci-mi puni?
And what does he place at the gate?
Atâtea clopoţele;
So many bells,
Când s-or scuturară
That when they will shake
Vai ог răsuna,
The valleys will tumble,
Dulful de-auzeară,
If they will hear
Dulful Mării Negre.
The Spirit of The Black Sea.
Cum seara-nserează
When the evening comes
Şi noaptea-nnoptează
An the night arrives,
La perdea-mi sosește,
It comes to my window,
La oi tare-mi strică,
And ruins my sheep,
Mieluşei mănâncă,
Eating my lambs.
Gheorghiaş Voinicu.
George lad
El îşi mai avea,
Also had about
Nouă căţelandri,
Nine dogs
De-un an jumătate,
one and a half years old.
El cand auzea,
When he heard the ruckus
Pe dulf l-alungară,
He chased the Spirit
La vali, la vali
Downhill, in the valley,
Pe-o gură de rai,
On a Haven footstool.
Gheorghiaş Voinicu,
George lad
Fie sănătosu!
may he be blessed!
Gheorghiaş Voinicu
George lad