Translation of the song Daj nam sunca artist Plavi Orkestar
Daj nam sunca
Give us some sun
Ja sam po krugovima vode hodao
I walked in circles on the water
I zrna sreće sebi tražio
and sought grains of happiness for myself
A vidio sam samo maglu u očima
But I only saw fog in my eyes
Svako jutro novi strah
Every morning a new fear
Svako jutro nova laž
Every morning a new lie
A u srcu pustinja.
And a desert in the heart
Ljubav, na bijelim krilima će doći
Love will come on white wings
I okajati naše grijehe sve
And atone for all of our sins
I povesti u zemlju sunca i zlatnih jabuka
And lead into the land of the sun and golden apples
Daj nam ruku milosti
Give us your hand of mercy
Budi ista kao mi
Be the same as me
I od zla nas izbavi
And deliver us from evil
Ako vjeruješ u snove
If you believe in dreams
Zagrli me noćas ti
Hug me tonight
Zagrli me moja draga
Hug me my darling
Jer život prolazi, sad je čas.
Because life passes, now is the moment
Svega će biti na svijetu
There will be everything in the world
Samo neće biti nas.
There will only not be us
Osjećam, tvoje nas oči sada gledaju
I feel your eyes watching us now
I ljubav čista kao majka
And love pure as a mother
U naša mlada srca vratiće sjenke radosti
The shadows of joy will return to our young hearts
Daj mi ruku ljubavi
Give me your hand love
Budi ista kao ja
Be the same as me
Tamo nema oblaka.
There are no clouds there
Daj nam sunca, daj nam sunca, daj
Give us some sun, give us some sun, give
Da nam sunce vječno sja.
so that the sun shines forever