Translation of the song Ljubav nije laka stvar artist Plavi Orkestar


Ljubav nije laka stvar

English translation

Love Isn't An Easy Thing

Ti i ja svakog ljeta idemo u isti grad

You and I, every summer we go to the same city.

jedan dva, blagi vjetar, kafa, novine i hlad

One, two, a breeze, a coffee, a newspaper and shade.

svaki put isti hotel, soba s pogledom na Hvar

Every time the same hotel, a room with a view over Hvar

jedan dva, svi nam kažu mi smo savršeni par

One, two, everybody tells us we’re the perfect couple

samo, jedno je od nas prestalo da voli ono drugo

Only, one of us stopped loving the other.

Ti i ja svake noći čitamo do pola tri,

You and I, every night we read until half-three

laku noć, kažem, draga, lijepo spavaj, kažes ti

“good night”, I say, “honey”, “sleep tight”, you say.

svaki put sunce sija dok na kopnu grmi ah

Every time the sun shines while on the land it thunders “ah”.

jedan dva, ovo ljeto već polako gubi dah

One, two, this summer already slowly losing breath.

samo, jedno je od nas prestalo da voli ono drugo

Only, one of us stopped loving the other.

Ne ljubav nije laka stvar

No, love isn’t an easy thing

i sve što traje dugo izgubi čar

and everything that lasts for a long time loses its charm.

Ti i ja svakog ljeta idemo u isti grad

You and I, every summer we go to the same city.

jedan dva, lagan korak, kafa, novine i hlad

One, two, a leisurely step, a coffee, a newspaper and shade.

svaki dan, nije laka stvar

Every day, it’s not an easy thing.

svaki dan, nije laka stvar

Every day, it’s not an easy thing.

svaki dan, nije laka stvar

Every day, it’s not an easy thing.

svaki dan, nije laka stvar

Every day, it’s not an easy thing.

samo, jedno je od nas prestalo da voli ono drugo.

Only, one of us stopped loving the other.

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