Translation of the song Kış Gülleri artist Yıldız Tilbe
Kış Gülleri
Winter Roses
Ellerinde kış gülleri
You have winter roses in your hands
Yüzünde bahar bir gece
You have a spring night in your face
Şarkılarda aşk çilesi
The songs sound like love suferring
Hayat bana mı bilmece
Is life really a mystery for me?
Yakıyorsun nefesimi
You are burning my breath
İçim hazır her ümide
Inside of me I am ready to hope
Gözüm sende, gönlüm sende
You have my eyes, you have my heart
Aşka ben miyim eğlence
Am I a fun for love?
Saçlarından ırmaklara
From your hair to the rivers
Öpüşlerinden dağlara
From your kisses to the mountains
Gözlerinden yıldızlara
From your eyes to the stars
Kara kıştan hazirana
From the black winter till June
Taşıyorsun beni bi anda..
You're carrying me away for a moment
Övünme benle, utanma benden
Don't pride yourself on me, don't be ashamed of me,
Düşünme benle beraberken
Don't think of anything when we are together
Bekleme bir şey
Don't wait for anything
Övünme benle, utanma benden
Don't pride yourself on me, don't be ashamed of me,
Düşünme benle beraberken
Don't think of anything when we are together
Yolunda her şey
Everything is beside you
Dilimde yarin türküsü,
There is the song of tomorrow in my speech
Bağrımda koca bir ateş
I have a great fire inside
Ayrılık hep korkulu düş
It's always scaring to break up
Herkes böyle mi sevince
Is everyone that joyful?
Her gönülde bir sevgili
Every heart has a beloved one
Her yarada bir tuz izi
Every place has a salt trace
Şifa dolusun sevgili
But you are a remedy, dear,
İyileşiyorum seninle
I get better with you.