Kad sam bio vojnik ja
When I was a soldier
imao četu drugova
I had a company of friends
čovjeka do čovjeka
A man to a man
ruku dat' za svakoga
I'd give an arm for each of them
Imao sam drugara
I had a friend
uža Sinjska krajina
In central Sinjska Krajina
vina, blitve, pršuta
Wine, chard, prosciutto,
nikad kraja pričama
Talking never ends
Bilo Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Be it Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
Svi su ljudi ovdje isti
All people here are the same
Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
svi su ljudi ovdje dobri
All people here are good
Imao sam drugara
I had a friend
dole preko Vardara
Down over the Vardar
duša je od čovjeka
He was all soul
spojila nas mastka
We were joined together by mastika
Imao sam jarana
I had a budy
gore ispod Višnjika
Up under Višnjik,
mezili smo dana dva
We ate meze for two days
šljivka dušu otvara
Slivovitz opens up the soul
Bilo Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Be it Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
Svi su ljudi ovdje isti
All people here are the same
Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
svi su ljudi ovdje dobri
All people here are good
Imao sam burazera
I had a bro
negdje oko Bečeja
Somewhere near Bečej
meka duša, pogača
He was soft as bread
al' vatra je u žilama
But fire is in his veins
Moj drug ispod Triglava
My friend under the Triglav,
posvadi nas Slovenka
A Slovenian girl came between us
suze roni gora sva
The whole mountain is shedding tears
ne govore brata dva
Two brothers are not talking
Bilo Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Be it Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
Svi su ljudi ovdje isti
All people here are the same
Stambol, Pešta, Bečlija
Istanbul, Budapest or Vienna,
svi su ljudi ovdje dobri
All people here are good
Svoga druga, ne,
Your friend, no
ne daj nikome
Don't ever give away
Svoga druga, ne,
Your friend, no
ne daj nikome
Don't ever give away