Translation of the song Dobro došli [Welcome] artist Brother Bear (OST)


Dobro došli [Welcome]

English translation


Dođite u goste

Come be our guests

U naš stari dom

In our old home

Bratsku ljubav potraži u srcu svom

Search for brotherhood love in your heart

Ostani uz nas

Stay with us

I pjevaj na sav glas

And sing from the top of your lungs



Jer svi su sad dobro došli

Because everybody is welcome now

I sve vas još bolje našli

And we're happy to be with you

Ko braću, kao obitelj

Like with our brothers, family

Kao stare znance, a ne kao strance

Like old acquaintances, not strangers

I svi su sad dobro došli

And everybody is welcome now

(Dobro došli u goste svi)

(Welcome as our guests everybody)

Jer iste smo nevolje prošli

Because we've all been through the same

(Sve smo prošli)

(We went through it all)

To je naš festival

It's our festival

Nosi nas isti val

We're carried by the same wave

(Isti val)

(The same wave)

Na pravi vodi put

Taking us to the right path

Neka tajna veza, što spaja srca sva

Some secret bond, that connects all hearts

Daje radost, snagu i moć

Gives happiness, power and strength

Užitak druženja

joy in hanging around

Uvijek bit ću tu

I'll always be here

Bilo u dobru il' u zlu

For good and the bad times



Jer svi su sad dobro došli

And everybody is welcome now

(Dobro su došli svi)

(Welcome as our guests everybody)

I sve vas još bolje našli

Because we've all been through the same

(Sve vas našli)

(We went through it all)

To je naš festival

It's our festival

Nosi nas isti val

We're carried by the same wave

(Isti val)

(The same wave)

Na pravi vodi put

Taking us to the right path

Kad prijatelj zauvijek ode

When a friend leaves forever

Ljubav ostaje, znaj

Love stays, know that

Budi jak, nađi budućnost

Be strong, find future

Pričaj priču i slušaj moj smijeh

tell the story and listen to my laughter

Čitav život ćeš pamtit taj tren

You'll remember that moment for a lifetime

Zar najljepši, najmirniji ja ne otkrih kraj,

Didn't I discover the most beautiful, the calmest part of land

Na cijelom svijetu?

In the whole world?

Zar to je cilj, svršetak lutanja?

Is that the finish line, the end of wandering?

Zašto sve do jučer bijah tako sjetan?

Why was I so gloomy until tomorrow?

A sad sam sretan

And now I'm happy

Ponovno pripadam

I belong again

I znam, neću ostat sam!

And I know, I will not stay alone!



Jer svi su sad dobro došli

Because everybody is welcome now

(Dobro došli u goste svi)

(Welcome as our guests everybody)

I sve vas još bolje našli

And we're happy to be with you

(Sve vas našli)

(To be with you)

Ko braću, kao obitelj

Like with our brothers, family

Kao stare znance, a ne kao strance

Like old acquaintances, not strangers

I svi su sad dobro došli

Because everybody is welcome now

(Dobro došli u goste svi)

(Welcome as our guests everybody)

Jer iste smo nevolje prošli

Because we've all been through the same

(Sve smo prošli)

(We went through it all)

To je naš festival

It's our festival

Nosi nas isti val

We're carried by the same wave

Na pravi vodi...

To the right...

Na pravi vodi put

Taking us to the right path

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