Translation of the song Tonem u mrak [No Way Out] artist Brother Bear (OST)


Tonem u mrak [No Way Out]

English translation

Sinking into Darkness

Što god dodirnem - to uništim

Whatever I touch - I destroy

Što god rekao, pomirit se ne mogu s njim

No matter what I say, I can't make it up to him

Tražim oprost, tražim odgovor

I seek forgiveness, I seek an answer,

Iskupiti želim grijeh

I wish to atone for my sin

Ali uzalud, jer magla skriva put

But in vain, because fog hides the way

Bracu svog sam izdao

I betrayed my brother,

Vjerovao si sve, a ja sam te izdao

You believed everything, and I betrayed you

Ne mogu više lagati

I can't lie anymore,

Ne mogu sakrit sram

I can't hide the shame

Samo čudo će me spasiti

Only a miracle can save me (now),

Ublažiti moj bol

Help to ease the pain (lit. ease my pain)

Tonem u mrak, ne mogu van

I'm sinking into darkness, (I) can't get out (lit. I sink into dark)

Bez sna, bez nade

Without dream, without hope,

I nikad slobodan

I can never be free (lit. and never free)

Bez izlaza, bez utjehe

Without escape, without comfort

Dajem sve i gubim sve

I give everything, and lose everything

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