Translation of the song Veniu [Welcome] artist Brother Bear (OST)
Veniu [Welcome]
Come on!
Esteu convidats
You are welcome
Perquè així vivim
Because is how we live
Uns vivim pels altres
Ones live for the others
Boig per sentir
Crazy to feel
Tot el que tenim
All we have
O compartim flagrants
We shared flagrant
Come on!
Veniu estem en família
Come on, we are family
Veniu germà
Come on brother
No viurem tots
Everyone won't live
Enjoy it
Si compartim amb els amics que
If we share with friends what
Anem fent o aconseguirem junts
we are doing it, together we will achieve it
Veniu estem en família
Come on, we are family
Veniu es temps per ser feliços
Come on, it's time to be happy
Gaudir del festival
Enjoy the festival
És el millor final (el millor)
Is the best ending (the best)
Aquí estem per dir-ho
We are here to tell it
Pots sentir el vincle
You can feel the bound
Que no pots explicar
Which you can't explain
Vine a la celebració
Come to the celebration
Per veure vells amics
To see old friends
Si estigués per tu
If I were for you
Sé que estaries tu per mi
I know you were for me
Docs, som-hi!
So, come on!
Veniu estem en família (benvingut seràs)
Come on, we are family (you will be welcome)
Veniu germà
Come on brother
No viurem tots (tan feliços)
Everyone won't live (so happy)
Gaudir del festival
Enjoy the festival
És el millor final (el millor)
Is the best ending (the best)
Aquí estem per dir-ho
We are here to tell it
Recorda a qui abans estimaves
Remember who you love before
Els qui et van robar el cor
Those who stole your heart
Troba amor, mira al futur
Find love, look to the future
I gaudeix sempre en l'amistat
And always enjoy friendship
Bons moments que no oblidaràs mai
Good moments that you will never forget
Això deu ser, un lloc meravellós
This should be, a wonderful place
Un lloc ple de pau on tu descansis
A place full of peace where you rest
Lloc singular com no n'has vist abans
Unique place like you have not seen before
Quan recordo el camí recorregut
When I remember the path taken
Ara ja hi sóc
Now I'm there
Aquí veig tots els amics
Here I see all the friends
I allò que vaig ser ahir
And what I was yesterday
Come on!
Veniu estem en família
Come on, we are family (you will be welcome)
Veniu germà
Come on brother
No viurem tots (tan feliços)
Everyone won't live (so happy)
Gaudeix-ne si compartim
Enjoy if we share it
Amb els amics
With friends
Que anem fent
That we make
O aconseguirem junts
Together we will achieve it
Veniu estem en família
Come on, we are family
Veniu és temps de ser feliços
It's time to be happy
Gaudim del festival
Enjoy the festival
És el millor final
Is the best ending
Aquí estem per...
Here we are for...
Es temps d'arribar a tothom
Is time to reach everyone