Translation of the song Esa triste guitarra artist Emmanuel
Esa triste guitarra
That sad guitar
Si ves una flor marchitada en el suelo, *.
If you see a withered flower on the ground,
Es mi corazón que se muere de celos.
it is my heart that is dying of jealousy.
Aquel gorrión que suspira en el árbol,
That sparrow that sighs in the tree,
Es mi alma que llora si no le haces caso.
is my soul that cries if you ignore it.
Si ves por el cielo una blanca paloma,
If you see a white dove in the sky,
Es mi vida y mi voz que te van a decir lo que yo te quiero.
it is my life and my voice that are going to tell you how much I love you.
Esa triste guitarra que suena y suena
That sad guitar that sounds and sounds
Sola en la noche,
alone in the night,
Es mi voz que te dice
is my voice that tells you,
no me abandones, no me abandones.
don't leave me, don't leave me.
Esa triste guitarra que llora y llora
That sad guitar that cries and cries
Mientras tú duermes,
while you are sleep,
Es mi alma que quiere
is my soul that wants
Volver a verte, volver a verte..
to see you again, see you again.
Si un día la lluvia acaricia tu cuerpo,
If one day, the rain caresses your body,
No es agua mi amor, son tan sólo mis besos.
it is not water, my love, it is just my kisses.
Si el sol en la calle calienta tu cara,
If the sun, in the street warms your face,
son rayos de amor que me salen del alma.
they are love rays that raise from my soul.
Si el aire una tarde alborota tu pelo,
If one afternoon the wind stirs your hair,
No es el viento, soy yo
it's not the wind, it's me
Que quisiera vivir en tus pensamientos.
who would like to live in your mind.