Translation of the song Adiós, Princesa artist José José
Adiós, Princesa
Goodbye, princess
Jamás te he visto tan bella, te lo juro
I had never seen you this beautiful, I swear.
Cuánta gente hay, amor, estás feliz
There's so many people here, my love, and you're happy.
Comprendo que te olvidaras de invitarme
I understand that you forgot to invite me.
Qué ironía, tú de novia, yo sin ti
How ironic, you as a bride, and me without you.
Tendré que aprender a estar sin muchas cosas
I'll have to learn to be without so many,
Sin tus besos, sin tu risa, sin tu amor
without your kisses, without your smile, without your love,
Sin tu cuerpo, como potro desbocado
without your body as a wild stallion,
Galopando, tantas noches de amor
galloping through so many nights of love.
Adiós, adiós, princesa
Goodbye, goodbye, princess.
Espero que hayas hecho lo mejor
I hope that you made the right choice,
Y tengas lo que yo te he dado tanto
so you can have what I gave you so much:
Amor, amor y amor
love, love and love.
Adiós, adiós, princesa
Goodbye, goodbye, princess.
Que el mundo entero gire para ti
May the entire world keep spinning for you.
Espero que no tengas que acordarte
I hope that you don't have to remember me
Jamás, jamás de mí
never, ever again.
Jamás me gustaste tanto, te lo juro
I never liked you this much, I swear.
Qué gran triunfo hay en tus ojos, se te ve
How great is the triumph in your eyes, I can see it.
Qué lástima no poder felicitarte
What a pity that I can't congratulate you.
Qué dirías y de blanco hay que ver
What would you say? And you dressed in white...
Seguro que cuando llegue el gran momento
I'm sure that when the big moment comes,
Cuando te hagan la pregunta y digas sí
when they ask the question and you say I do,
Será como si jamás me hubieras visto
it would be like you never met me.
Ay, amiga, esto es ver para vivir
Oh, my friend, this is see to live.
Adiós, adiós, princesa
Goodbye, goodbye, princess.
Espero que hayas hecho lo mejor
I hope that you made the right choice,
Y tengas lo que yo te he dado tanto
so you can have what I gave you so much:
Amor, amor y amor
love, love and love.
Adiós, adiós, princesa
Goodbye, goodbye, princess.
Que el mundo entero gire para ti
May the entire world keep spinning for you.
Espero que no tengas que acordarte
I hope that you don't have to remember me
Jamás, jamás de mí
never, ever again.