Translation of the song Aléjate artist José José
Get away
Te juro (te juro)
I swear to you (I swear to you)
Que no comprendo y me atormento
that I don't understand, and I am tormented.
Te vas y vienes y a tu antojo te tengo
You come and go, and I have you to your fancy.
(Te tengo)
(I have you)
Quisiera (quisiera)
I would like (I would like)
Que alguna vez, por una vez me lo dijeras
that, some time, just for once, you would tell me,
Y nada de nada
but nothing comes,
Ya ni siquiera tu sonrisa me acompaña
not even your smile is with me.
Get away
Si yo no soy lo que tú habías soñado
if I am not what you had dreamed about,
Y aún no sé si he sido yo quien ha fallado
and I don't know yet it it was me the one who failed.
Di lo que sientes, a ver si de una vez me aclaro
Say what you feel, to see if once and for all, I think clearly.
Get away
Si yo no soy lo que tú habías soñado
if I am not what you had dreamed about,
Di lo que sientes, a ver si de una vez me aclaro
and I don't know yet it it was me the one who failed.
Y si me quieres, quédate para siempre
and if you love me, stay forever.
Get away
Te juro (te juro)
I swear to you (I swear to you)
Que no comprendo y me destruyo
that I don't understand, and I destroy myself
Te vas y vienes y a tu antojo soy tuyo
You come and go, and to your fancy I am yours.
(Soy tuyo)
(I am yours)
Quisiera (quisiera)
I would like (I would like)
Que alguna vez, por una vez me lo dijeras
that, some time, just for once, you would tell me,
Y nada de nada
but nothing comes,
Ya ni siquiera tu sonrisa me acompaña
not even your smile is with me.
Get away
Si yo no soy lo que tú habías soñado
if I am not what you had dreamed about,
Y aún no sé si he sido yo quien ha fallado
and I don't know yet it it was me the one who failed.
Di lo que sientes, a ver si de una vez me aclaro
Say what you feel, to see if once and for all, I think clearly.
Get away
Si yo no soy lo que tú habías soñado
if I am not what you had dreamed about,
Di lo que sientes, a ver si de una vez me aclaro
and I don't know yet it it was me the one who failed.
Y si me quieres, quédate para siempre
and if you love me, stay forever.
Get away