Translation of the song Amnesia artist José José
Usted me cuenta que nosotros dos
You, ma'am, tell me that the two of us
Fuimos amantes
Were lovers
Y que llegamos juntos a vivir
And that we, together, came to live
Algo importante
Something important
Me temo que lo suyo es un error
I'm afraid what you say is a mistake
Yo estoy de hace tiempo sin amor
I'm without love from long ago
Y el ultimo que tuve fue un borron
And the last one I had was a smudge
En mi cuaderno
In my note book
Usted me cuenta que hasta le rogue
You tell me that I even begged you
Que no se fuera
Not to leave
Y que su adios dejo a mi corazon
And that your goodbye left my heart
Sin primavera
Without springtime
Que anduve por ahi de bar en bar
That I was around from bar to bar
Llorando sin podermela olvidar
Crying, unable to forget you
Gastandome la piel en recordar
Wasting away my skin trying to remember
Su juramento
Your oath
Perdon, no la quisiera lastimar
I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to hurt you
Tal Vez, lo que me cuenta sea verdad
Perhaps what you tell me is true
Lamento contrariarla pero yo
I regret to contradict you but I
No la recuerdo
Don't remember you