Translation of the song Llora corazòn artist José José
Llora corazòn
Cry Heart
Hoy he vuelto a recordarla
Today I remember her again
cuanto quise a esa mujer
how much I loved that woman
recordare su despedida
I'will remember her good bye
el triste día cuando se fue.
the sad day when she left .
Ella se alejo en silencio
She walked away in silence
ella no me quiso hablar
she didn't want to talk me
ella ya no me quería
she no longer loved me
y yo sufría de tanto amar.
and I was suffering so much love
Tu sabes cuanto la quise
tu sabes cuanto la ame
You know how I took care of her
llora corazón bajito
you know how I loved her
o todo el pueblo lo va a saber
cry heart quietly or all people will know
que dejo la puerta abierta
that I leave open the door just in case
por si una noche quiere volver.
one night she wants to return
Hoy pase por los lugares
Today I walked through the places
que con ella camine
where I wallked with her
y volvieron los recuerdos
and memories of his love and his affection
de su cariño de su querer.
came back
Olvidarla no he podido
Forget her ? I've forgot
olvidarla yo no se
I don't know how to forget her
y si ya no esta conmigo
and she's not with me anymore
no es culpa mía, ella se fue.
is not my fault , she left
Tu sabes...
You know...