Translation of the song Te quiero tal como eres artist José José
Te quiero tal como eres
I Like You Just The Way You Are
[Verso 1]
[Verse 1]
Nunca cambies por complacerme
Never change just to please me
Por quererme retener
For wanting to keep me with you
Nunca imagines que te suceda
Never imagine what'd happen to you
Que yo te deje de querer
If I stopped loving you
Nunca pienses que te abandone
Never think that I'd abandon you
No temas a mi ingratitud
Don't fear my ingratitude
Tanto en las buenas como en las malas
As much as during the good times as the bad ones
Te quiero tal como eres tú
I like you just the way you are
[Verso 2]
[Verse 2]
Ya no intentes nuevas modas
Don't try new fashions
Ni el pelo cambies de color
Nor dye your hair new colors
Tú siempre fuiste mi vida entera
During my whole life you were always
Mi entrega entera por amor
Who I handed my entire love to
No trates ya de impresionarme
No longer try to impress me
Me puedes hacer enojar
You can make me annoyed
Así te acepto, así me gustas
That's the way I accept you, that's how I like you
Como eres tú te voy a amar
The way you are is how I'll love you
Quiero saber si siempre vas a ser
I want to know if you'll always be
La misma que yo conocí
The same one that I knew
Espero que tu creas siempre en mí
I hope you have faith in me
Tal como yo he creído en tí
As I have had faith in you
Dije te amo y es para siempre
I said I love you and it's forever
Pues nunca te voy a dejar
Because I'll never leave you
Así te quiero, así me gustas
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
Como eres tú te voy a amar
The way you are is how I'll love you
[Solo Saxofón]
[Saxophone Solo]
Dije te amo y es para siempre
I told you I love you and it's forever
Pues nunca te voy a dejar
Because I'll never leave you
Así te quiero, así me gustas
This is how I love you, this is how I like you
Como eres tú te voy a amar
The way you are is how I'll love you